Holistic Energy Healing 

Heidi Firth

Heidi Firth will work together with you to discover the roots of your concern. Her qualified and holistic approach will help you discover the way forward for real and tangible progress.

The holistic approach will include but is not limited to:

Holistic Counselling & Life Coaching
Nutrition and Holistic Health
Transpersonal Psychology and Healing
Energetic & Spiritual Healing
Theta Healing

Each one-on-one session is individual, unique and may address aspects like:

  • Inner child reconnection & re-parenting

  • Chakra clearing & balancing

  • Aura cleansing & balancing

  • Past life healing

  • Ancestral healing

  • Masculine & feminine energy balancing & grounding

  • Belief work to release & heal energetic blocks & thought patterns

  • Primal pattern diet typing

  • Program design & facilitation

  • Health & lifestyle coaching
    ++ so much more


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